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Primate C.A.R.E.

Illustration • Print • Association

With the global disruption caused COVID-19 pandemic, a friend and volunteer asked me to help Primate C.A.R.E., a South African charity association whose mission is to save, preserve and protect local wildlife, particularly orphaned and injured chacma baboons.

Man and woman wearing printed t-shirt

I was asked to create several original illustrations, intended for printing t-shirts, mugs and other accessories.

In order to raise much-needed funds, I created designs that could reach as many people as possible - it didn’t matter whether they were a dedicated baboon conservationist or someone who had never been to South Africa.

The associationThe shop
Happy Baboon illustration
Love baboons back to the wild illustration
Mandala baboon illustration
Africa and baboon hand illustration
Save wildlife illustration
Rita Miljo's quote